Saturday, November 15, 2008
Getting moved in - Part 1
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Quick Update
Also, I got my hair cut for Locks of Love yesterday! I got a full TWELVE INCHES hacked off, and I think I like it! I haven't had my hair short in years, but I think it looks better now that I have bangs to go with it.
Renovations on the floor at the house in Newnan are coming along quite well. I will be glad when it is all done. Aaron and I are really looking forward to moving back to Lilburn. We are SOOOO grateful to Janine for allowing us to live with her rent free this month, but we are longing for our own place. Please pray for us as we continue to look for jobs and get our feet on the ground.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The advent of the LP?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We are currently living in Newnan with Aaron's family, but just until December when we can move into our apartment. It's not a bad situation, but we are looking forward to having our place. We went out today to get my name changed on everything - which was fun! So I am even more so officially Mrs. Lamanda Rhodes! YAY!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Well, they say it's good luck for something to go haywire, right?
Well on the upside I got a lot of stuff bought today that we still needed for the wedding. I am so tired after such a marathon day of shopping!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Leaving home...again
I understand that Dad is struggling with the idea of his baby girl getting married and not living in the house anymore, but wow. I wasn't expecting this much of a reaction! I am trying to work with it, but I think I have a right to a little more say so since I am an adult and almost independent. I hope he will chill out a bit.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Oy with the poodles already!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Healthier living is going to be tasty!
So here are some goals:
physical activity at least 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week
eating by normal standards
improving how much time I spend on all areas of my health (physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and relational)
And I am encouraged in these endeavors! A while back I ordered a free cookie from Well, I got it today, and that was one tasty cookie! It was a dark chocolate oatmeal cookie. The first thing I try to notice about food is the aroma. The aroma of this cookie was sumptuous! It had a nutty, well, oaty aroma that was warm and pleasent. I am a particular fan of the texture of oatmeal, so the texture of these cookies was terriffic! The taste was also light but sweet. It was a soft but lightly chewy cookie, and the ratio of oats to chocolate chips was right on! Best part: it is a great cookie, and it is healthy! I am a growing fan of Kashi's 7 Whole Grains Blend! I think I will continue to buy their products in the future.
Where to begin...
Wow! It is kind of a rush to realize that we only have 11 days until our wedding! I'm tracking down a few last minute decorations for the stage, and we will be meeting with our minister soon to hash out the ceremony details. Plus we need to sit down and make our CD's for the ceremony and the reception, but that's the fun part! I've also been getting in touch with all the people who need to know that I will soon be out of town for my honeymoon - I so can't wait! *sigh* Daydreaming is fun!
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Starter Home
I can hardly contain myself with the realization that it is only two weeks until our wedding!!! Dad and I went to Gwinnett Place Mall tonight to have my wedding ring sized at out trusty jewlery repair place. We went to browse around in Sears while they sized it, and I found myself gliding dreamily through the housewares sections thinking of how much fun we are going to have putting together our first pad! Two weeks seems like almost no time at all after having been engaged for nearly four years, but when I got my ring back tonight and saw how perfect it fit and how pretty it is after being cleaned it feels like an eternity. I wish it was tomorrow! *Deep breath* Must temper my least enough to where I can sleep tonight!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Being a Quarter of a Century Old
Hmm, maybe I do realize that I'm getting older. The older I get the more pensive I seem to get. "I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Exhausting Day!!
Work was different. I worked on the decals we had to put on the front windows of the store - two large bare trees, very frustrating - and box-up in the stockroom. Box-up was a very welcome process today as it kept me in the back and allowed me to avoid people. Typically I like working the sales floor, but today I just didn't feel like dealing with people.
Aaron picked me up after work so we could go get our marriage license - YAY! We first went to the Gwinnett County Court House, but they would not accept the copy of Aaron's birth certificate because it didn't have the embossed certification seal. So we drove all the way to Decatur because they only require one form of I.D. so we just used our driver's licenses. Traffic was again a bear as we made our way back to Tom's to get my car and then back home. We were exhausted by the time we got home for dinner.
It wasn't a bad day, just full and at times frustrating. The upside is: We are now officially licensed to be married!
In other wedding news, Mom and I ordered tablecloths today. They are chocolate brown and hunter green. Very nice. We got a great deal on them.
Tomorrow I have to start calling apartment complexes to ask questions so Aaron and I can figure out where we will be living. *sigh* I'm tired.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Back to the drawing board...again
I am getting really tired of this. What am I doing wrong that is making potential employers not be interested in me? I thought I had good credentials, good references, and a well-written resume. We have basically 21 days until our wedding. Somehow we are going to have to make ends meet. I am maintaining my two part time jobs at Bath and Body Works and The Hope Counseling Center until I find something full time. I just have to find someway for Aaron and I to be able to live on what I make.
God will make a way. I just have to believe that.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It felt like Fall today!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wedding Shower - When it rains it POURS!!
I'm putting this request out into the blog-osphere. If anyone who is navigating a good marriage right now has sound advice for a soon-to-be newlywed couple, please feel free to share in a comment.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
To Ink Or Not To Ink?
I think my two major concerns about doing this would be the pain factor and the fact that over time tattoos can change in appearence (i.e. fading, stretching, sagging, etc.).
My dad asked me tonight, when he saw me watching the show, why a needle-phobic like me would be interested in watching a show where people are being tattooed. I realized that it is the creative nature of the art that draws me to it. I find the show somewhat of a creative outlet. It gives me ideas and inspires me to draw like I used to.
Maybe if I don't ever get a tattoo I could get into the art portion of it, like drawing designs or something as a hobby. I have an idea for a design right now that I would like to work on. I will post it when I'm done.
In the meantime, if anyone has advise or experience pertaining to tattooing please share!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Janice Dickinson is the devil!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Long and Winding Road
Hey God? A little direction, please?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Feeling naked and confused!
On a better note, I am continuing my lucious reading journey through Terrt Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. I finished the first book, Wizard's First Rule, yesterday, and Aaron has passed along the second book, Stone of Tears, which I have already started! I love this series! Also, my devotional book of choice at the moment is Stormie O'Martian's The Power of a Praying Wife. She writes from the heart, and I love that. I am so ready to marry Aaron! We have only 72 days until our wedding! I'm so excited, but I also realize this only gives me 72 days to find a job. Talk about pressure.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Girls' Night!
Friday, July 18, 2008
How is your ESP?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Step in the Right Direction
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Another Rejection
*Holds up her "Will Counsel For Food and Shelter" sign*
Sunday, July 6, 2008
My Fourth of July weekend!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Very Interesting Experience
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Project Afghan Day Fifteen
While I have been working diligently on row #1, I have also been making good on using my list of charitable contributions. I have given to church as well as to community service projects that my church group is doing this week. I can't participate because I had already committed myself to teaching the two-year-old class at church this Wednesday.
That said, I give you row #1:
Row #2 is going to be a combination of brown and medium blue. Oh hey, I just noticed that my toe made it into the lower left corner of the picture. Ha ha ha!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wedding Plans
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Overthinking it?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
How cool is this!?!

I was reminded of this snazzy little knitter's standard while knitting the second section for my WUA afghan. I recalled seeing this on a shirt that Lorelai Gilmore wore on the knit-a-thon episode of Gilmore Girls, season seven. I am becoming increasingly fascinated by my new-found hobby. In the past I have knit a scarf for Aaron, my fiance, and a baby blanket for my new future niece, Kellyn. Granted none of these projects has really been anything spectacular, but I just love doing it! I am planning to increase my skill by practicing with new stitches and patterns. I also want to chat up Veronica at church and get her to teach me how to make socks. Sue (Aaron's mom), Janine (Aaron's older sister), and Debbie (Aaron's sister-in-law, Jennifer's, mother) have all offered to teach me how to crochet, and I am going to take them up on it! It's nice to have a hobby in addition to reading.
I hope to continue making afghans for WUA, and I also found another group that is an off-shoot of WUA called Friendship shawls can be given to people you know and love for various reasons or to strangers or donated through WUA for nursing homes or other people in need. This group provides free patterns and tips and encourages people to share the stories about what happens to the shawls they make.
Here are the websites for these great groups I have found: and