I have been inspired! I recently had a very successful experience in doing a commissioned knitting project for a friend of mine. I knit her a lovely scarf! I have also been browsing through a very cool site called artfire.com, which is a site that allows you to set up an online store for free. I think I am going to do it! I love my knitting and want to get even better at it, and I think this would be a great way to do it. I can use the money I make from selling items to pay for classes to learn new techniques and items. Plus, it gives me a great creative outlet and high! I even have a name for my store: Sunflower Creations. My first step to getting it up and going is to knit up some samples and take some pictures. Here is a picture of the Faggot Stitch Scarf I made for my friend Carrie. I used almost a skein of Cascade Quattro.

One potential item I am working on is reusable covers for face rests on massage chairs. I am currently knitting up a sample for my husband's new massage chair. If it goes well, I plan to sell them in my online store.
Another project I am working on is training for a 5K I plan to run in October. I am starting slowly by trying to get into the habit of walking for 30 minutes a day three days a week. I am going to do this for three weeks, and then I will be starting the Couch to 5K training program which is supposed to take about 9 weeks. So it appears that I could be ready by the end of May. I am excited to get into shape and hopefully feel better and be healthier.