Saturday, July 17, 2010

Learning to let go and thinking ahead.

I got my first ever traffic ticket this morning on the way home from work. I was driving our rental car (our car is in the shop for some repairs), I got off late from work and knew Aaron had to get to work soon, I was in a hurry and was not paying attention. Long, and a personally humiliating, story short, I was doing 16 over the limit. Damn. I really didn't need the added anxiety of paying off a speeding ticket on top of the anxiety I have accrued in thinking about starting to work on my license. I hate money. I think I was born several centuries too late. I think I would have been much happier in a society where bartering was the way. Oh well. I am not going to let this completely ruin my day. I had been in a great mood prior to this, and I really want to have it back. So I will let it go for now. I can't do anything about it until Monday anyway.

Looking forward, I really do want to make some changes in myself. I want to become a person of good habits. I want to make habits of daily Bible reading (been trying that one all year), daily recreational reading, good eating, physical activity, and care of self and others. I'm also thinking of trying out some different makeup looks. I see how nice other ladies look with rich-colored lipsticks, and I wonder if I could look that way. I'm not a makeup wearer. I am very happy with my looks without makeup, but I think it might be fun just to play. I doubt I would become a daily makeup wearer, but hey, girls just wanna have fun, right?

Okay, now I know that I am really tired and need some sleep. Goodnight (actually it's day) world!