Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting moved in - Part 1

Preparations for Aaron and I to move into our new apartment are coming along swimmingly. The new carpet has been put down and looks great! We also began moving some of our stuff in today. We moved in the massive stash of wedding gifts that has been in my old room at Mom and Dad's house as well as most of my possessions (sans clothing, some books, and some CD's). I am really excited about getting things together! I can't wait to have everything in and organized. We plan to be completely moved in by December 1st, though if we can swing it maybe by Thanksgiving. It's been very nice living in Newnan with Aaron's family, but we are both very much ready to have our own space. The first thing we plan on doing once our new pad is settled is having our friend Joan over for dinner. She is a very sweet lady who has been a friend of my family for a long time. Last Sunday she approached my Dad at church to say that she had been thinking about it for a couple of months and wanted to pay our first month's rent! Aaron and I were SO touched that we decided we absolutely had to make her our first guest for dinner as a small way of thanking her for this immense act of kindness. After that I think it would be fun to mabye have some friends over for a housewarming. We will see what we can afford to do.

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