Thursday, July 31, 2008

Feeling naked and confused!

I have apparently misplaced my digital camera, which is why I am feeling naked and confused. I have been tearing the house apart looking for it, and HATE that I can't find it. I wanted to post the latest phase of Project Afghan. The afghan now has two complete rows and is looking great! The new row is chocolate brown and cornflower blue. I am currently working on the third row which will be royal purple and a kind of golden yellow. I love my knitting.

On a better note, I am continuing my lucious reading journey through Terrt Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. I finished the first book, Wizard's First Rule, yesterday, and Aaron has passed along the second book, Stone of Tears, which I have already started! I love this series! Also, my devotional book of choice at the moment is Stormie O'Martian's The Power of a Praying Wife. She writes from the heart, and I love that. I am so ready to marry Aaron! We have only 72 days until our wedding! I'm so excited, but I also realize this only gives me 72 days to find a job. Talk about pressure.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Girls' Night!

Leslie, my best friend of twelve years, and I FINALLY got some great best friend time last night! I picked her up after church last night and we went to rent movies. We ended up getting Lars and the Real Girl and 9 to 5. We only had time to watch Lars and the Real Girl, which was a reccomendation for me from one of my past supervisors, Kathryn. It was a WONDERFUL movie! A little odd, a little quirky, but very sweet. I highly reccomend it to everyone! We also looked at pictures on my computer, ate oreo chocolate cake, and drank blackberry merlot. We talked and talked and were up until about 2:30 AM! A fantastic evening! We got up this morning in time to get Leslie to work at Color Wheel. We were actually running ahead of schedule, so we stopped at Java Monkey in downtown Decatur near Agnes Scott for a cup 'o joe. Now, I LOVE indy coffee houses, so this place was right up my alley. They serve organic coffee, and it isn't freakishly pricey. I had a wonderful cup of breakfast blend coffee, and happily sipped on it all the way home. I tried on my wedding dress to show Leslie how it looks on me, and it is a lot tighter than the first time I tried it on at the shop. So I would like to try and shed some inches so it fits as opposed to having it altered. Granted I will try it on again in a month, and if it still is tight I will have it altered, but I like to pinch a penny where I can. I love that dress!!

Friday, July 18, 2008


Not only as a counselor, I tend to be the kind of person that looks at myself and other people in a very holistic sense. ESP = Emotional Spiritual Physical. Emotionally today I am feeling mellow, sort of open to the world and life. Spiritually, I am in expectation. God is a God of promises, and today I am resting in the knowledge that He's never failed in those promises. Physically, I actually feel energetic. I'm spending a lot of time knitting today, but I also have an urge to move. I think that's why I actually cooked breakfast this morning. I made homemade pancakes from scratch!! I also have an urge to pull out my pilates tapes before I shower and run errands. My creative juices are flowing! Today is a day for some new yarn that will go into the next phase of the afghan. I'm smiling today!

How is your ESP?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Step in the Right Direction

I got word today from the clinical director at PSI (Psychological Studies Institute - my graduate school) that I will be the counseling center coordinator on Monday nights at the school's counseling school in Jonesboro!!! It may just be one night a week, but it pays and I will be able to see clients at the center which will count towards licensure hours and I get paid for it. This does not of course preclude the possibility of me getting a more full time position some time in the very near future. I am really excited!!! I think this will be an excellent beginning to my career.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another Rejection

I have officially been turned down for the social service provider job at the youth detention center in Rome. Apparently I didn't have the required two years of experience they wanted. Can I just ask, how the hell am I supposed to get any experience if no one will hire me without experience!?! Throw me and effing bone here people!! I'm so tired of rejections and job hunting. I love working as a counselor, but trying to get a job as one SUCKS! All I have wanted to do today is cry, but I am trying not to give up just because this one didn't work out. I have other options. I'm still a viable commodity, right?

*Holds up her "Will Counsel For Food and Shelter" sign*

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My Fourth of July weekend!

This has been a really wonderful weekend! It actually started Thursday with spending a couple hours with Jen and Kellyn, and then we all headed down to Newnan for dinner and hanging out for a while. After Jen left Aaron and I watched the first Hellboy movie - excellent by the way! Friday morning we (Aaron, me, Janine, Mohammed, Hatem, Sue, and Jack) all packed up and went to Chickamauga (no clue if I spelled that right) for the Jones family reunion (that is Aaron's mother's side of the family). It was out in the middle of nowhere really, but a fairly nice time, sans the repeated ocasions that Jack took to playing his bagpipes while, yes ladies and gentlemen, he was wearing his kilt. The kilt I don't mind so much as the bagpipes. You see, he still has a long way to go before he could really be considered good. Aaron and I devised a drinking game in which (theoretically, because we had no booze) you would take a shot everytime he squeaked. Janine quickly pointed out that you would hardly have time to fill your shot glass between the required drinking moment - hahaha. After the reunion and making various visits to other family members in the area who didn't make it to the reunion Aaron, me, Janine, Mohammed, and Hatem went up to Chattanooga for the rest of the weekend. We stayed at The Chattanoogan Hotel - not as great a hotel as we had thought it would be, especially given the fact that it was almost $200 per night! We got to our room, unpacked, and found a great 24 hour diner in the area that had 98 different types of cake and pastry, so we hit it up for desert! I had a huge slice of this incredible chocolate cake called the seven deadly sins - it lived up to its name! We then went in the direction of Lake Winnepasauka amusement park to see a fireworks display (we actually stopped at a gas station near it where we could see the fireworks perfectly). Yesterday was our full day that we had to play around Chattanooga. We went to Rock City, The Incline Railway, and Ruby Falls (you can get a discounted ticket that gives you access to all three, I think it was like $42). Rock City was fantastic! It was a beautiful garden with all sorts of rock formations, waterfalls and such. Aaron and I bought out first home gnome. His name is Gus, and he will be accompanying us as we search for our first home and will then be our official gnome to make it a home. The Incline Railway wasn't my favorite thing honestly. First of all you had to pay a parking meter to park - a lousy idea for such an attraction given you have no real idea how long it will take. Second, I am not a huge fan of steep hills and going down them in vehicles. Yes, I like rollercoasters, but the falls really are my least favorite part, and no, this was NOTHING like a rollercoaster because it was very slow, which did make it more bareable. By the time we waited in line to go down the mountain, went down, got off, waited in line to go up again, and went up we were certain that our meter had expired and that the seemingly overzealous meter maid (yes, it was a guy like in school for scoundrels) had left us a nice little ticket. However, our meter had expired but meter maid man had yet to get to us so we left as quickly as possible to slip out of it! Having finished this we were famished and went in search of food which took us to KFC where we reveled in the wonder that is air conditioning and probably drank our weight in diet pepsi. We then hit Ruby Falls. Long line, but it was all in shade, and we had fun being very juvenile with the remaining ice in our cups from KFC. Now, when you go to Rub Falls you have to go down in an elevator 260 feet. This elevator's door is glass so all that you see as you are going down is rock. The elevator began to have some issues as we were going down (apparently yesterday is their busiest day every year). It stopped about 3 or 4 times and a couple of times began to shake quite a bit. The operator even called back to the control room to have them reset the elevator sensors (whatever that means). It was a small elevator with quite a few people and with it only looking out on a rock wall things began to feel very tight very quickly. Needless to say, I was uncomfortable and Aaron had to remind me to breath. We did make it down and after that it was FANTASTIC - my favorite part of the day!! Going through the caves was really awesome, but the cavern with the actual falls was beyond words! We got some awesome pictures. By the time we got back to the hotel we were tired but wanted to have a night out on the town, so we picked a restaurant (Big River Grille and Brewing Company, where I ate with my girlfriends from PSI in January), cleaned ourselves up and went out. The food was AMAZING!!! Aaron and Janine had a dinner that included these shrimp stuffed with crab that were to die for, and the wine I had with my dinner was delicious. Plus we just had a great time in general talking, laughing, and hanging out until like midnight. This morning we slept late (til like 10) and checked out of the hotel. We hit the diner again for lunch, and headed home. We were just about to 85 south from 285 west when the accelerator cord in the engine of Mohammed's car broke. We spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out a way to jerry-rig it so we could get home, but to no avail since we had no tools. We were just about to throw in the towel and call a tow truck when a tow truck who was on his way to a call saw us and stopped to check on us. With his help and his plyers we were able to temporarily rig the cord so that we got home - quite an unexpected event! So here we are now in Newnan, road-weary and slightly smelly. But all had a great time!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Very Interesting Experience

Aaron and I hit the Jeju Sauna and Wellbeing on Gwinnett Place Drive in Duluth yesterday. It is a Korean bathhouse with six different dry heat sauna rooms, men's and women's lockerrooms and nude bathing areas (yes, they are both kept seperate), a swimming pool, a fitness area, a Korean restaurant, and seven different spa treatments (these cost extra in addition to the entrance fee). The entrance fee is $25 which gives you access to the six sauna rooms, the pool, the locker rooms, and the nude bathing areas. The bathhouse is open 24 hours a day so you can literally stay as long as you want for just $25. They will provide you with just about anything you need including a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and there is an area for sleeping. Aaron and I hit all six of the dry sauna rooms, each of which is different. I think our favorite room was the rock salt room. The entire room is lined completely with huge salt rocks. It's really hot inside, but SO relaxing. Our second favorite room was the charcoal room which is lined with wood charcoal, it's supposed to be extra detoxifying. We also hit the swimming pool, which is a maximum of 4 feet deep. It was very relaxing and peaceful, even when there were a couple of kids playing in it. We also each spent some time in the nude bathing areas which have a steam sauna, a dry sauna, a jacuzzi tub, a warm bath, a cold bath, and showers. I thought doing this would be really strange, but it wasn't as much as I thought it would be. I mean it was a little odd to be naked in front of several complete strangers, but since it was all women it wasn't quite as odd as it would have been with men around too. Aaron also got a massage and a body scrub. According to him the charge for the hour-long massage was very reasonable ($70). I didn't get any spa treatments because I couldn't afford them. I also want to mention that everything was immaculately clean! I mean, you would think that a place where people specifically go to sweat would smell horrible, but there was not a single place there that was dirty or foul. So over all we had a GREAT time and walked out very relaxed. I give this place 4 stars and a recommendation to others.