Friday, July 18, 2008


Not only as a counselor, I tend to be the kind of person that looks at myself and other people in a very holistic sense. ESP = Emotional Spiritual Physical. Emotionally today I am feeling mellow, sort of open to the world and life. Spiritually, I am in expectation. God is a God of promises, and today I am resting in the knowledge that He's never failed in those promises. Physically, I actually feel energetic. I'm spending a lot of time knitting today, but I also have an urge to move. I think that's why I actually cooked breakfast this morning. I made homemade pancakes from scratch!! I also have an urge to pull out my pilates tapes before I shower and run errands. My creative juices are flowing! Today is a day for some new yarn that will go into the next phase of the afghan. I'm smiling today!

How is your ESP?

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