Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Project Afghan Day Fifteen

Yes, it has taken me two weeks to complete the first full row of my Warm Up America afghan, but I think it has turned out pretty good! It isn't perfectly straight or anything, but that's what gives it character, right? The first row, as you can see in the picture below is two slightly different shades of pink and a nice green. The yarn in this row all belonged to my Grandmother, so I think it's a special way of remembering her. Her name was Nelle Elizabeth, but everyone called her Betty and she was one of the most loving, generous people I have ever known.

While I have been working diligently on row #1, I have also been making good on using my list of charitable contributions. I have given to church as well as to community service projects that my church group is doing this week. I can't participate because I had already committed myself to teaching the two-year-old class at church this Wednesday.

That said, I give you row #1:

Row #2 is going to be a combination of brown and medium blue. Oh hey, I just noticed that my toe made it into the lower left corner of the picture. Ha ha ha!

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