Thursday, September 4, 2008

To Ink Or Not To Ink?

I have been thoroughly enthralled with L.A. Ink recently. I have thought in the past about getting a tattoo, but it's one of those things that I want to put significant thought and consideration into. First, I need to know more about tattooing. I found a great website called which has a section called tattoo-101 with lots of information about tattooing and suggestions of things to consider and actons to take to make the experience the best it can be. Second, I need to figure out what kind of design I might like and where I would like it. Placement is something big to consider, especially given my choice of profession. It must be in a place that is easily concealed. I'm thinking about getting a small tattoo on one of my hips - not really sure which one just yet. Third, I need to find a really good tatto parlor and artist. I would like to avoid picking up any sort of ickiness from needles, environment, or people.

I think my two major concerns about doing this would be the pain factor and the fact that over time tattoos can change in appearence (i.e. fading, stretching, sagging, etc.).

My dad asked me tonight, when he saw me watching the show, why a needle-phobic like me would be interested in watching a show where people are being tattooed. I realized that it is the creative nature of the art that draws me to it. I find the show somewhat of a creative outlet. It gives me ideas and inspires me to draw like I used to.

Maybe if I don't ever get a tattoo I could get into the art portion of it, like drawing designs or something as a hobby. I have an idea for a design right now that I would like to work on. I will post it when I'm done.

In the meantime, if anyone has advise or experience pertaining to tattooing please share!

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